Johnny's House

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Are You Serious

Fingers typing on keyboard

Valentine Day is a day designed for love. I think it's great that they have a day where people show each other how much they love them.  Ladies or Guys, if you're in a relationship and your lover hasn't planned something special for you then leave them. They're just lazy and don't think highly  of you. Come on ya'll, get off your butts and do something for the person love. One day a year is design to show someone a special day of love. You can get a card, flowers, gift, breakfast in bed, a special lunch or a romantic text. Anyone can do that. Ladies or fellows, if your man don't do something to recognize today, I feel for you. Your relationship is garbage. If you're married you need to go to counseling. If you're just in a relationship break up with them. You can do better. To show someone love is easy to do. It doesn't cost a lot of money but to do nothing isn't acceptable. 

The woman I love feels love everyday. It's my job to make her feel loved. Today I will make her feel extra love because it's Valentine's Day and she deserves it. If you don't feel the same way about your lover than LET THEM GO and go back to rock you crawl from under. 


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