Why are certain groups of people claiming the movie "Black Panther" as their own. I really don't understand this. Black Panther is from a Marvel comic book. It's not for any social movement or group to claim as theirs. If you read comic books this is your movie. You're the only ones to have a right to claim it. If you just saw Black Panther without reading the comic book first, you really have no idea what you're watching. You should've just watched The 15:17 to Paris. At least you would have learned something.
I watched a movie that stayed kinda close to the comic book but I really feel Iron Man was better. I say this because I go by the comic book and not Hollywood spin. It's just my opinion. There was a lot about the movie Black Panther that was just made up for the film, that was very disappointed to me. If you were making a movie just to get a group of people to go back to the theater, than you did it. Next time I would appreciate it, if you could stick closer to what we know. Next time just don't use something we love and turn it into propaganda. Real comic book lovers know what I'm talking about. Anyone else, I'm sure, thinks I'm a racist but I'm not.
Stop saying this is YOUR movie, it's comic book lover's movie.