Brandon and Shawn's little boy has a best friend that he does everything with. He's a great little boy and they have no problem letting the two boys hang out.
Brandon was on social media the other night and just happened to see their son's friend's father Facebook page. They aren't friend on social media so he just saw what was posted. The other father posted a joke that was insulting to the gay community. Brandon has seen worst jokes. This one was just in poor taste. Once Brandon saw it, he immediately called Shawn to see it also. Shawn just thought it was just a bad joke.
After reading the post, Brandon doesn't want the two kids to play together anymore. If their son's friend's father is posting jokes like this, then their son shouldn't be around them. Shawn doesn't want to stop the kids from being friends. The boys are best friends.They met the child's mother and she knows that they're in a same sex marriage and don't have a problem with it. They hang out with her most time the kids are playing and she's amazing. The Dad has always been nice but they don't know him as well. Brandon just don't like that a person would post something like that knowing that people would be offended. Shawn just think the Dad is a jerk and the world is full of jerks. They knew when they decided to adopt a child that some people wouldn't agree with it or them. Brandon just doesn't feel comfortable with the kids playing together now. They can be in friends in school but no more play dates
Side with Brandon and the two boys won't play anymore
Side with Shawn and they will remain friends