Kari and Michael's daughter is supposed to spend the night at her friends house Saturday night for a huge birthday sleepover. She is so excited about it. There's going to be about 8 little girls and the have a whole evening planned. Her parents have gone to great lengths to make sure that this party goes as planned.
Wednesday, Kari got a call from one of the other mothers. She told her she wasn't letting her daughter go to the sleepover because they have a gun or guns in the house. She just doesn't feel comfortable knowing her little girl is in a house where there are guns. Kari didn't know this when she agreed to let their little girl go to the sleepover. Now she is having second thoughts. Michael doesn't have a problem with the guns. He feels that their child is protected being there. The little girls father is a registered gun owner and he has the guns locked in a gun safe and the bullets locked in another safe. He has taken all precautions to make sure no one can get to those guns. Kari will just feel uneasy all night and would be worried the whole weekend. She doesn't believe in having guns and doesn't want them anywhere near their daughter.
Both little girls would be heartbroken to miss the party.
Side with Kari and their little girl won't go to the party.
Side with Michael and their daughter will go.