Phil hasn't been going to class and has been told not come back after Spring Break. He has known this for about a week or so. Phil hasn't told his parents yet, but still wants to go to Spring Break before he tells them. His parents even put some money in his account to have fun while on break. Phil doesn't want to tell his parents until after Spring Break that he's been kicked out of school. He knows they're going to be mad and it's going to be a life changing event. He wants one last blowout until he has to face his new reality. Tom is Phil's good friend. He thinks Phil should tell his parents this weekend and not go to Key West. He feels like he was mature enough to stop going to class and get kicked out the dorm that he should be mature enough to tell his parents. Either way Tom is going to the Keys. Tom has been telling Phil for months to stop partying and start going to class but he hasn't listened. Phil's parent are going to be really mad because he waited until his Jr. year to start slacking in college. They may even kick him out of the their home. Tom thinks Phil needs to save all the money he can because he may not have a place to live once he gets back. Phil doesn't want to think about it until he gets home from Spring Break. He wants to go to the Keys and party like a Rock Star. He may never have this chance again because has no plans to ever go back to college. Phil once one last blowout before his whole world starts crashing down.
Side with Phil and he's going to the Keys
Side with Tom and he will tell his parents and not go to Spring Break