I heard you guys talking about that test that kids took earlier this week and how it's stressing them out. So what if they are 9 or 10 years old, welcome to real life. They had 9 years to be a child, now it's time to get you ready for the rest of your life. Y'all have to understand, we are behind the rest of the world and we need to catch up. We're too soft on our kids today.
I really feel that the military should be introduced into schools. With all the stuff that is happening in schools I feel that would be a great idea. Just think if you had a Drill Instructor as your teacher. Kid would sit up and pay attention everyday. Also the kids would have light military training. These kids would learn respect, honor, discipline and how do defend themselves. We as adult are complaining but think about it, it all kids know right now. So they're not complaining. They're just doing what they're told. See, if we start with the elementary kids now, we will see the benefits of this in 12 years and beyond.
So let's not let off the brakes on these kids. Let add more on their little plates so when we hand the country over to you, you're ready and can make this country a better place.