Hey Johnny's House, Listening to your show made my blood boil yesterday. Why is everyone giving Kanye West such a hard time? You guys are what's wrong with America. You write off free thinkers as crazy. If a person say what's exactly on their mind, you put them in the "need some help" category. As people on the radio, you will never know the feeling of "freedom of speech". You know why, because you don't have it. Neither does 99% of your listeners. We live in a world where we're always biting our tongues, afraid to say what's truly on our minds. We go our whole life holding back our true thoughts and feelings. It's more important to fit in with the masses than stand alone behind something you truly feel. Kanye West doesn't feel this way and you make fun of him for it. You have listeners right now that voted for Donald Trump and thinks he's doing a great job but will never admit it in public. "OMG, what will my friends and family think of me". If you think this way, you're the true prisoners. If you don't use your freedom of thoughts and feeling and express them are you truly not imprisoned? We're so use to going with the group that we are forgetting who we are. Kanye West should be hailed as a hero. Not because of the things he say but because he isn't afraid to say it. If you had the freedom of speech without fear of repercussion, you too would tweet a hundred time a day. You'll never know that kind of freedom because you are in a box, afraid to go outside of it. Instead of talking down about Kanye, praise his ability to be free in his speech. Agree or disagree, he's freely saying what's on him mind.Now, who is really crazy? A person that truly say what their feelings and what's on their mind or person that's quite out of fear that they will be rejected my the masses.
Think about it