Gary and Charlotte have been married 5 years. Charlotte woke up 3 months ago and decided she didn't want to be married anymore. Gary is heartbroken. They have two girls that are 2 and 4. They also have a dog that they got when they were married.
They agreed that the kid would live with Charlotte in the family home and Gary would find another place to live. He has full visitation so seeing the kids isn't a problem.
Gary wants the Family's dog to come with him. He feels like he lost his family and the least she can do is give him the dog. Charlotte disagrees with this. She thinks they should keep things as normal as they can for the kids. They're already going to be confused that Daddy isn't there every night and it would confuse them more if the dog is gone too. Every night Charlotte takes the dog along with the kids for a walk. The kids really look forward to this. This would probably stop without the dog. She feels that Gary is really being selfish about keeping the dog because he knows how much the kids love and would miss him. The dog sleeps in the room with the kids and the kids thinks the dog keeps them safe. With Dad and the dog gone, Charlotte doesn't think the kids will sleep at night anymore. The 4 years old was really afraid of the dark and the dog helped her get over it. Without him, she feels that their daughter will be afraid again
Gary has to start all the way over. He now has an apartment with just a bed. He feels alone and thinks having the dog with him with help him deal with the loss of his marriage and the kids. Gary feels that he has given Charlotte everything she wanted in the divorce and all he want is the dog. He thinks that the kids and their mother will have each other and without the dog, he will be 100% alone. Losing his family is truly breaking his heart.
Side with Charlotte and she will get the dog
Side with Gary and he'll get to keep their dog