What is going on with the world today? I hear one afternoon that Roseanne was taken off the air. I don't understand why. I was one of the 18 million people that watched the reboot and was looking forward to next season. Why can't we be more forgiving? Roseanne said that she was under the influence of Ambien. That stuff makes you think and feels some crazy things. Why can't we just overlook the statement? She also apologized to the woman she offended. In my eyes is over. We have become so PC that in the future, you won't know how people really feel because, people will say things that won't get them in trouble. Roseanne is a real trailblazer. A successful woman that isn't afraid to say what's on her mind.
Why couldn't we just send Roseanne to "racial sensitivity" classes? If a whole coffee chain can can be forgiven, why can't one actress? It seems in this country, we pick and choose who and what we are offended by. She's a comedian and something they tell bad jokes. This was a bad joke. You don't punish her by taking her show. You just don't laugh at the joke. I don't think that Roseanne created any new racist by her comment. I believe if she had a one on one conversation with the woman who was the butt of the joke, they could clear this whole thing out. 100s of people would get their jobs back and I could be laughing a Roseanne again in the fall.