This year Scott and Debra won't be able to attend Red Hot and Boom and the girls still want to go. In the past they got a hotel room and when it got hot or started raining, they would go to the room. If Scott and Debra don't go there will be no hotel room. The girls still want to go. They're 15 and 14 and the want to go by themselves without their parents. The plan would be that Debra would drop them off about 3 in the afternoon and pick them up again after the fireworks about 10PM. 7 hours they would by themselves. Debra thinks it's OK because the girls go every year and know what to expect. The only difference is they don't have a hotel room to go to when it was hot or it rain. Every year they would go back to the room and take a break. If they went by themselves they would have to figure it out.
Scott doesn't want the girls to go by themselves. When they've gone in the past, the girls know that the family was a text away or in the hotel. Now they would totally be by themselves for 7 hours. With over 150,000 people there Scott feels it's just too dangerous to have a 15 and 14 yrs old walking around by themselves. Anything could happen. Scott just want the girls to skip this year and they can go again as a family next year.
Debra explained that in the past, the only time they saw the girls were to see the fireworks together and eat dinner. Other than that the girls were walking around by themselves or with some friends from school. Scott just felt that even thought there were over 150,000 people there, they knew that they could call him or come to the room and be safe. He knows it will rain really hard because that happens every year. Where will they go? To think of his little girls just standing in the rain makes him really uncomfortable.
Side with Scott and their daughters won't go to Red Hot and Boom
Side with Debra and the girls will go.