First of all, I'm so happy that those kids were rescued from the cave. It really shows what happens when people work together to get things done. My thoughts and prayers goes out to the Thai Navy Seal that lost his life trying to help.
My problem is with the coach. He should have been arrested as soon as he came out of the water. What kind of coach walk a group of young kids in a dark cave for a mile in a half? That's ridiculous! As a coach you're responsible for your team and you have to be held accountable. People are praising this man for being some kind of hero when he should be arrested for being an irresponsible person. If you don't arrest him, just make sure he isn't able to coach kids anymore. If he is believing the praise he's getting around the world, he would probably do it again. He probably doesn't think he's done anything wrong. We need to send a message to any person that is trying to coach kids, in any sport, if you are irresponsible with those children, you will go to jail.
Stop praising that loser for putting those kids in harm way. Hold him accountable for what he did. We want heroes so badly that we will find anyone to hero worship. There are heroes out there but this guy isn't one of them