We're having a Pheromone Party!
Never heard of it? It goes something like this: CLICK HERE FOR other pheromone parties people have had.
We're doing it our own way and we need YOU to participate and to ATTEND if you're not selected! It's FREE with lots of drink specials.
We will choose men and women (gay or straight) who email their picture lauradiaz@xl1067.com ... NOT ALL PEOPLE WHO EMAIL WILL GET A RESPONSE...
If you're chosen to be a candidate, you will have to wear the same t-shirt to bed 2 nights in a row.
You'll put that shirt in a ziploc bag and bring it to the bar with you. We will assign a number to your bag and people will be able to smell each bag without knowing who it belongs to.
After an hour, each person's identity will be revealed and anyone who picked your bag's number will then be able to approach you and start a conversation. You will NOT know who chose your bag's number unless they approach you.
We love this concept because scientists say people can be attracted to someone's natural scent.
People will come to Irish Shannon's on Saturday, September 15th from 9-11 pm and of course there's no cover charge.
ADDRESS: 41 W Church St, Orlando, FL 32801
***If you're chosen you'll get an email from Laura Diaz. You'll need to arrive to the bar by 8:45pm with your bag.