Rick and his friend have been friends for years. They're like kids when they get together. Over the weekend Rick bet one of his friends $500.00 that L.A. Rams were going to win the Super Bowl. They didn't win and now Rick owes his friend $500.00. The last time Rick and his friend made a bet, Rick won $300.00 and his friend paid him without a problem. They've been making stupid bets with each other for years and everyone has paid off.
Wednesday, Rick and his wife Carmen were watching TV and he got a text message. It was from his friend asking when he was going to pay him the $500.00. When Carmen read this, she hit the ceiling. She told Rick that it was no way he was giving away $500.00. They have so many things around the house the money could be used for. She was mad about how carelessly he could give away their family's money.
Rick tried to explain to Carmen that not paying isn't an option. He told her that when you make a bet with a friend you must pay it. Carmen mentioned that they need a new bed and that money could be used for that. This money will be coming from their savings and she didn't agree it could be used. There is no way Carmen will allow Rick to take the money out of the account. Rick just wants her to know that he has to pay the bet and it isn't up for debate.
They decided to let the listeners decide the outcome.
Side with Carmen and Rick won payoff the $500.00 Super Bowl bet
Side with Rick and he will pay his friend the $500.00 from their savings account.