Time for SideTakers! You hear the situation and you pick a side! You can't try to solve it.. you have to pick between Jessica or Paul.
Paul and Jessica have been married about 16 years. They have a 14-year-old daughter. Their daughter changed a bit with she turned 13. Wanting to hang out with friends more and not so serious about school or school work
The Situation
Paul and Jessica's daughter is in her last year of middle school. Last week at "Meet the Teacher" their daughter got her schedule. On it, she notices that she has a teacher that she doesn't like. She wants Jessica to change her out of that class. Their daughter feels that she'd have a better chance of passing the class if she had another teacher. Jessica doesn't have a problem with this.
Paul is against it. He feels that their daughter is spoiled, and she needs to learn now do deal with difficult situations. When he asked why she felt that the teacher didn't like her, their daughter didn't have a real answer.
Jessica feels like it isn't a big deal. She could just go to the office, talk to an administrator, and have the class changed. No big thing. Jessica doesn't understand why Paul is making big deal out this.
Paul seems to think their daughter is heading down the wrong road and it needs to be corrected now.
Who do you side with on Side takers
Side with Jessica and she will change her child's schedule
Side with Paul and the schedule stays the same