Tim and Maria have been living together less than a year. She has joint custody of their son with her Ex.
Tim is really into education and school being the most important thing for the child. When Maria's child is with his father, things are a little slack. When he's with them, he has a bedtime, study time and video games are limited . When the child breaks the rules, Tim takes away videogame time.
Last week, the kid missed his bedtime and lied about homework. When Tim found this out, he went into the kid's room, asked what happened and took his gaming console for two days. The child lost it. Cried like crazy and then called his father. Maria's Ex went nuts saying that Tim had no right to take the boy's gaming system because he didn't buy it. Tim matched his energy and said, "My House My rules".
Maria is trying to be the peacemaker in all of this. She does know that Tim is right in what he's doing. Her Ex is a hot head and she just wants to keep the peace. If she doesn't handle this the right way, they'll be back in court fighting for sole custody. She thinks the gaming system should stay in the room and find another way of disciplining the child. Tim feels that the little boy is out of control, calling his father when he doesn't get his way. The Father wants the game returned tonight or else.
Side with Tim and the kid has his gaming system taken for 2 days.
Side with Maria and he keeps the gaming system and find another way of punishing the child