Time for SideTakers! This is where you listen to a situation, and you pick a side! You cannot come up with a solution... you have to pick WHO you side with!
The Situation:
Bryce's childhood friend is grown up now and doing good in life. He's coming to town for work and wants to stay with Bryce for a month. They have a guest bedroom, so space isn't the problem.
Cory doesn't like that when Bryce is around his friend, he's a different person. He hangs out late, drinks more than he normally would and just makes bad decisions. Cory doesn't like him and doesn't want him to stay in their home.
Bryce explains to her that his friend doesn't make him make bad decisions. He wants her to understand that his friend taking the fall for something he did is bigger than anything he can repay him for. Bryce wants her to understand that the life he has now wouldn't be possible if his friend didn't do it. He wants her to understand that he owes him and to stay at his house for a month shouldn't be a problem.
Who do you side with on Side Takers
Side with Bryce and his friend stays the month
Side with Cory and the friend doesn't stay