Carter and Natalie's daughter is going to the Prom in 2 weeks. She had a dressed picked out and showed it to her boyfriend. He didn't like it and said he would buy her one that she would look "Hot" on her. (they know this because their daughter told them)
Natalie doesn't have a problem with this. They have raised a good child. She makes great grades. In school, she's in student government and President of a club that she is a member of. She also holds down a parttime job.
Carter has a problem because he likes the dress his daughter picked out and it was HER decision. He doesn't like the fact that the boy said he wanted her to look "hot". Carter doesn't want his daughter to get the wrong message, that a boy can tell her he doesn't like something, and she has to change for him. He wants her to be an independent young lady, making her own decisions
Natalie has met the boy and he's really nice. He only offered to pay for the dress because he was trying to be a gentleman. He didn't want their daughter pay for anything. He comes from a good family and he's just being nice.
Carter feels like he knows this kid's type. Pretend to be nice and then take advantage of their innocent daughter.
If you side with Natalie, their daughter's boyfriend will buy their daughter a new dress for the prom.
If you side with Carter, their daughter will not take the dress and wear the one she originally picked out.