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Michael and James have been roommate for about a year in a half. They have a place that is very affordable, and the rent rate is locked in for them. This even includes all utilities. It's unheard of to find the deal that they have.
Michael has been seeing a woman for about 4 months. Last month she had a problem with her roommate and had to move out of her apartment. She's been living with friends and family until two weeks ago.
Without James' knowledge, Michael's girlfriend has been living with them. While James and Michael are at work, she cleans the apartment and makes dinner for them. Then she goes to work and gets off late at night. When James is sleeping, she comes back over and stays in Michael's room. She sleeps when they both wake up and go to work while they are working. She also works two jobs and is rarely at the apartment.
James has mentioned to Michael that he loves the place so clean lately and they have a hot dinner every night. That's Michael told James that his girlfriend had been living there for two weeks and he didn't even notice. Then Michael mentioned that he would like her to move in and they would split the rent three ways. There's nothing in the lease that would prevent that.
Michael has been covering James' rent for the last two months because of back taxes he needs to pay. Michael feels that is this would solve a lot of the financial problems. James wouldn't have to worry about paying so much money back and now it would be less rent moving ahead. Without this, Michael can only cover James for another month or so. Then they would have to move out of the great arrangement they have with this apartment. Plus, she's been living there for two weeks, and he had no idea.
James' only objection is that his girlfriend doesn't want another woman living in his apartment full time.
Side with Michael and he moves his girlfriend in
Side with James and no girlfriend will move in