Johnny's House

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Missed Encounters With Chloe

"Missed Encounters" is when someone sees another person and feels some type of connection or attraction. The problem is that they have no way of finding that person again. They contact us to help them find the person...

Chloe:      27   Female

I went to Beer Fest Saturday at Orlando Festival Park. We were standing by the mainstage, next to the inflatable obstacle course. It was around 3 in the afternoon. I was hanging with about 4 of my girlfriends. You were there with 5 of your friends. One of your friends was really drunk trying to talk to my friend. You and I were talking briefly. You told me that you worked in software development. I'm about 5'8 and have long dark hair. I was wearing jean shorts, a black shirt and boots. You complimented me on how attractive I was, but you did it in a non-creepy way. You said some things that really made me laugh. All of a sudden, your friends decided to leave because your one friend was making an idiot of himself. You rubbed my shoulder and said nice meet me and you left. 

You're about 5'11 white, blonde hair, skinny but muscular, wearing short, with a collar shirt with beer logo on it. Your drunk friend's name was David. I could tell you wanted to talk more but you had to leave.

HELP us help Chloe!

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